Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Doing my best Al?

In the spirit of longtime fellow Lions blogger Al at The Wayne Fontes Experience, I decided to follow up a declaration of blogging regularly again with a brand new major health issue.  While he certainly has me beat overall in the category of "Lions Blogger with Most Health Issues" (Ty leads "Best Beard Award") I spent a good chunk of the past week either in the ER or in bed.  Often both.  Or getting my blood drawn.  Or having yet another test.

I'm sure you get the picture.  The Lions' preseason performance was by far a high point in a week I would like to otherwise forget. (which included nearly collapsing at work) I have one final test Tuesday, at least, final if it comes out all clear.  If not... well, I'm doing my best not to worry about "If not" unless it gets here.  Needless to say, I am at least halfway semi on my feet.  Kinda.

On another note, there is at least two, possibly three openings in the DetFan1979 Dynasty (Keeper) League.  They are some good teams, and have some good keeper potential. Please email me as soon as possible if you are interested.  If you are already in the league, and haven't let me know if you're coming back please do so ASAP.  I'm having trouble getting this to come together this year, and would hate to have to close down the Dynasty League after 3 great years.

As for now, I will continue to intermittently blog as I get slowly back to my feet yet again.  I also plan to get the band back together for the Lions Congregation at least in time for the regular season.  Hopefully.

Thanks again for reading!



Anonymous said...

I don't have your email address, but I will take over a team if you need somebody. My email is


Ty Schalter said...

Oh no, Josh, I'm sorry to hear. Best wishes from me and mine to you and yours.


PS: I appreciate the nom for Best Beard!