Monday, June 9, 2008


Not the kind of blackout that comes with lack of ticket sales, but rather, lack of electricity. Your Lansing dwelling Lions Blogger finally got his power back just in time to head to the office this morning, after being without almost all weekend.

I will resume my regular blogging tomorrow night after catching up on sleep -- especially as you fellows can imagine how busy the agency is with all of the damage created by this storm. Please keep the 200,000 or so people who still do not have electricity, and those who lost their homes in your thoughts tonight.

I'll be back with more Lions thoughts tomorrow.

In the meantime, I'd love to see some more Lions Haiku's -- awesome!


Anonymous said...


I didn't realize the greater Lansing area had a power outage. I'm used to hearing that congress doesn't get anything done, and I'm sad to hear they are blaming it now on the power.

I am tired. Tired of the whole poster with four names, name-crap on mlive. Why can't they ban a web I.P.? That would be nice.


Anonymous said...

Here's an interactive map at USA Today.

NFL Draft: Finding the Talent

by High School
by College State
by Conference

with 5 categories within each section [above]... enjoy.

Go Lions

CHIEFGER139 said...

thats no excuse-if your gonna run a serious lions blog your just gonna have to fork out the bucks in get a generator for backup